Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Final Update Before They Come HOME!

For those of you who have been watching FaceBook you know that Sean and Jaime passed court!  Yay!  Prayers have been answered in that respect.  They should be getting on a flight as I type this and headed for home.  The next time they do this flight they will be bringing their beautiful babies home too!  More prayers that this will happen soon and without a hitch.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Sean's Sister


Gina said...

Jaime and Sean,

I'm so glad you passed court and that you FINALLY got to meet your little ones! Can't wait to read some details about your trip :)

Matt and Kristi Tart said...

What a journey! Excited for the NEXT and final trip :) Thanks for giving the updates for all of us so far away...

Bex said...

Hey guys! Any new updates as to when you go back for embassy!? Maybe you've already left?!

Bex- (From another Dove family. We leave mid-February for our court date!)