Friday, May 7, 2010

Waiting....Same Old Same Old

Hello all,  no new news really.  We are continuing to wait, and trying to do it as gracefully (and patiently) as possible.  So, for those of you that actually know us... yeah, patience isn't our forte. 

We've been waiting about 6 1/2 months now... not the longest time that people tend to wait for a referral, certainly.  But, feels like forever and a half to us nonetheless.

Just wanted to give a quick  update, that's all for now.

Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there.  I'm a little early, but I'm sure you'll get over it!



Melissa said...

I'm sure it feels like years not months. Will keep praying for the perfect time and the perfect kids for you.

alisha said...

it is true, continue praying for the perfect time as that is when the kids God has prepared for you will come...His timing. we are praying for a referral in His timing for you. the wait is hard and even more so when your longer in your wait time and others have gotten referrals. just trust that your children will be referred to you in His timing. were praying with you guys. when you finally hold them in your arms you will know God has prepared these children for especially for you.

TeeTee said...

Update already! Update!!!