Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Final Update Before They Come HOME!

For those of you who have been watching FaceBook you know that Sean and Jaime passed court!  Yay!  Prayers have been answered in that respect.  They should be getting on a flight as I type this and headed for home.  The next time they do this flight they will be bringing their beautiful babies home too!  More prayers that this will happen soon and without a hitch.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Sean's Sister

Saturday, November 20, 2010


This is just a very basic update for those who are wondering how Sean and Jaime are doing in Ethiopia.  They do not have internet access as they expected so our contact with them is very limited.  They have arrived safely and have seen both of their beautiful children.  Please continue to pray for the hearing which is Sunday night our time.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Two days!!!

We leave to meet our kids in two days!!! How crazy is that??

Still packing... but, I am pretty sure we have everything we need and won't need to be doing any last minute Target or Walmart runs.   Finishing up the laundry at the moment... then will move on to the clothing portion of the packing. 

Well, that's it for now...  will update you as soon as I can.  If we have a chance to go online we will e-mail some updates to my sister who will update this blog for us while we're gone. 

Have a good one!


Monday, November 8, 2010

The Count Down...

One week from right now we will be in the sky - flying to visit our kids and go to court.

There's a lot to do... so no time for a long drawn out post.  But, just wanted to say "Yay! We will meet our children in 9 days!"
