Friday, March 12, 2010

Adoption Alert Information

Hello Everyone!

Thank you for your continued prayers relative to Sean’s and my adoption journey. The latest change to the Ethiopian adoption process (effective Wednesday, March 10, 2010) is that Ethiopia is now a two-trip country meaning that Sean and I will both have to travel to Ethiopia to attend the court hearing for our children. We will probably be there about a week, and we will get to meet our children, but we will not be able to bring them home with us. Then, depending upon when we pass court, we will travel there again (possibly 2-3 months later) to pick them up and bring them home.

Please pray for the extra finances as this extra trip will cost us more than we had “budgeted.” We will also both miss an extra week of work which will take up more of our vacation time and lessen the time we will have to bond with them when we bring them home on the second trip.

Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support! Sean and I greatly appreciate it!
